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linda demais ❤️


Nada Me Faltará

Will You be my light, when I cannot see?
And when I can't take another step
Lord, would You carry me?
And when I've lost my fight, will You be my strength?
Will You set me a table in the presence of my enemies?

I shall not want, I shall not want
Oh, my soul's got a shepherd in the valley and I shall not want
I shall not want, I shall not want
'Cause my cup's running over, running over and I shall not want

And I will lift my eyes to where my help comes from
And I won't be afraid of the shadow
'Cause I've seen the Sun
No, I will not stop, when the way gets hard
'Cause the green only grows in the valley
And that's where You are (say)

I shall not want (no, no), I shall not want (hey)
Oh, my soul's got a shepherd in the valley and I shall not want
I shall not want, I shall not want
('Cause my cup's running over)
'Cause my cup's running over, running over and I shall not want

I've got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy
I've got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy
I've got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy

I've got goodness and I've got mercy
Hallelu, glory hallelujah (hey)
I've got goodness (somebody say) and I've got mercy
(Hallelu) halleu, (glory) glory hallelujah
(Say again, I got goodness)

I've got goodness and I've got mercy
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah
(Say, The Good Shepherd)
The Good Shepherd leads me to the waters
Hallelu, glory hallelujah

And He anoints me (hallelujah), anoints me with His oil
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah
(Now my cup is) now my cup is
(Cup is running over) my cup is running over
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah

I won't fear no (fear), fear no evil
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah
(I will dwell) I will dwell in His house forever
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah (I got a song to sing, say)
Hallelujah (I got a song to sing), hallelujah
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah

And when this life is over, I'm gonna live again
Gonna trade this cross for a crown
No, this is not the end
And when You call my name, I will take my rest
There's a mansion in glory and You're gonna meet me there

I shall not want, I shall not want
He will wipe every tear from my eyes
I shall not want
I shall not want, He's on my side, I shall not want
I'll be home in His presence forever
I shall not want
For the Lord is my shepherd in a valley
For the Lord is my shepherd when I'm lacking
For the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want

I've got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy is following me
Got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy is following me
Got everything that I need (yeah, yeah)
Your goodness and Your mercy is following me
Got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy is following me
Got everything that I need
Your goodness and Your mercy is following me

I've got goodness and I've got mercy (say y'all)
Hallelu, glory hallelujah
(If don't have anything else, you got your goodness)
I've got goodness and I've got mercy
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah
(I thought I lost everything)

But I've got goodness and I've got mercy
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah
I've got goodness and I've got mercy
(Hallelu) hallelu, glory hallelujah

Nada Me Faltará
Você será minha luz, quando eu não puder ver?
Quando eu não puder dar mais um passo, Senhor, você me carregaria?
Quando eu estiver perdendo a minha luta, você será a minha força?
Você me colocaria na mesa na presença de meus inimigos?

Nada me faltará, nada me faltará
Oh, minha alma tem tdo um pastor no vale e nada me faltará
Nada me faltará, nada me faltará
Porque meu copo está transbordando, transbordando
E nada me faltará

Erguerei meus olhos para aonde a ajuda vem
E eu não terei medo das treva, porque tenho visto o Sol
Não, eu não vou parar, quando o caminho ficar difícil
Porque o verde só cresce no vale onde você está

Eu consegui a bondade e consegui a misericórdia
Alelu glória aleluia
Eu consegui a bondade e consegui a misericórdia
Alelu glória aleluia
Eu consegui a bondade e consegui a misericórdia

Aleluia glória aleluia
O Bom Pastor me conduz às águas
Aleluia glória aleluia
Ele me unge, me unge com Seu óleo
Aleluia glória aleluia
Agora meu copo está, minha copo está transbordando

Aleluia glória aleluia
Eu não temerei, não temerei o mal
Aleluia glória aleluia
Vou morar em sua casa para sempre
Aleluia glória aleluia
Aleluia, aleluia
Aleluia glória aleluia
Aleluia, aleluia
Aleluia glória aleluia

Quando essa vida acabar, eu viverei novamente
Vou trocar esta cruz por uma coroa
Não, este não é o fim
Quando você chamar meu nome, eu descansarei?
Há uma mansão na glória e você me encontrrá lá

Nada me faltará, nada me faltará
Ele vai enxugar toda lágrima dos meus olhos
Nada me faltará
Nada me faltará, nada me faltará
Eu estarei em casa na presença dele para sempre
Nada me faltará
Porque o Senhor é meu pastor
E nada me faltará

Baru-baru ini Didengarkan oleh

2 komentar
  • Anali 00:40

    linda demais ❤️

  • Rubem Souza



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